





  • #01 その他注意

    #01 This sign means that “Be Careful for Other Dangers”
    .Most of this sign are used with epexegetic signs like “WEAK BERM” or “UPHILL ROAD”, but some are not.With such an alone sign, we cannot understand what to be careful for.Actually, they say that the alone sign “!” means “Be Careful for GHOSTS”.What if this sign functions as gathering of ghosts reversely? What if this sign is on your body?

  • #02 横風注意
    横風の注意を促す標識である。この作品に龍(りゅう)が登場しているので龍にまつわる四文字熟語を使ってみた。右上が雲蒸龍変(うんじょうりゅうへん)英雄・豪傑が機会を得て世に出て活躍するたとえ。右下が飛竜乗雲(ひりゅうじょううん)英雄が時に乗じて、勢いを得ること。左下が竜蟠虎踞(りゅうばんこきょ) 抜きんでた能力を持つ者がある場所にとどまり、権勢を振るうことのたとえ。また、ある地域で、すぐれた能力を存分に発揮すること。龍が使われる言葉には総じてかっこいい意味合いが多い。(四文字熟語はローマ字で書いて下さい)

    #02 Severe Side Wind Ahead
    This sign calls your attention to wind.Because a dragon appears in this work, I set four-character compounds which include a dragon (“Ryu” in Japanese).The upper right is “Un-Jo-Ryu-Hen” which means that a hero comes out to a world and plays an active part in it. The lower right is “Hi-Ryu-Jo-Un” which means that a hero gets a momentum and uses it effectively.The lower left is “Ryu-Ban-Ko-Kyo” which means that a person with an outstanding capability remains in a place and uses his power.Phrases which contain “Ryu” often mean cool meanings.

  • #03 幅員減少

    #03 Road Narrows Ahead
    Signs alert drivers to the changing road ahead.“Ayakashi” is a Yokai which is Drowed people trying to dragged their party beneath the water.This is a work consisting of two parts, meet “Ayakashi”, and escape from it.

  • #04 踏切有り

    #04 Railroad Crossing
    One reason of high frequency of suicide at railroad crossing is that the alert sound matches the heart rate and hypnotizes people to do it.This work is based on the idea; what if “Oboro-Guruma” is leading you to make a suicide instead of alert sound?Oboro-Guruma is a specter of grudge of a lord who couldn’t hold a place to see the oxcart. (not train)Actually, the alert sound is changed to another sound if there are a lot of suicides.

  • #05 危険物

    #05 Dangerous Materials
    This sign means “Cars carrying dangerous materials are blocked.”This work describes the human’s dual nature with a half-man half-devil character.There is a dangerous material in the man’s eye, because I believe a man is eviler than a devil sometimes.

  • #06 ロータリーあり

    #06 Rotary
    This sign is set in a place with a rotary.We can imagine it is very scary if you are surrounded by “Te-Naga-Ashi-Naga”.“Te-Naga-Ashi-Naga” is pair of “Te-Naga” and “Ashi-Naga”.When “Ashi-Naga” appears, the weather totally changes

  • #07 歩行者専用

    #07 Pedestrians Only
    A rumor says that this sign describes a man kidnapping a girl.But this rumor is totally a lie, because this sign is based on the United Nations’ guideline.But certainly, the girl seems to be unwilling to go.This work describes that the specters “Hitotsume-Kozo” and “Yobuko” are kidnapping a child, playing an action rhymes.

  • #08 横断歩道

    #08 Pedestrian Crossing
    Draw a projection of moment understanding human must go through it.The model is “Domeki”. The Yokai staring from the sky is “Ichimokuren”Don't bury your head in the sand, face the reality!

  • #09 路面に凸凹あり

    #09 A rugged road
    Just as it is, expressed with chest.It would be interesting if “Tengu” comes out from your chest. Tengu is a symbol of the male organ frequently in Japan.

  • #10 警笛ならせ

    #10 Sound the horn
    This sign means “Please sound the horn on the way which a prospect has bad.”He got married with the woman who is quiet but has good looks. But she does not eat anything since the wedding day. He was worried and watched her state in secret. Then she is “Hutakuchi Onna”, devouring rice ball .And shouting “Ah that’s good!” For some reason, “O-Nyudo” is watching the scene.

  • #11 自動車専用

    #11 Cars Only
    The specter “Wanyudo” is running toward a man, but an amulet written “Kokosyoubono-Sato” keeps out it.I made this work, thinking that specters obey the rules, too.

  • #12 幅員減少

    #12 Road Narrows Ahead
    Signs alert drivers to the changing road ahead.“Ayakashi” is a Yokai which is Drowed people trying to dragged their party beneath the water.This is a work consisting of two parts, meet “Ayakashi”, and escape from it.

  • #13 すべりやすい

    #13 Slippery
    One day, there are father and son.They lost there way in the mountain, Stayed a mean hut. Son woke up and see a WHITE woman. She breathed upon the father, he froze to death. She disappeared as saying “I give you a chance because you are young. But as soon as you tell someone about tonight, you will die…”Few years later, the son got married with a beautiful woman named “Oyuki(=snow)”, the got 10 children. Oyuki never get old. One night, the son say to her “A long time ago, I met a woman looks just like you. I wonder if it was just a dream, or she was Yukionna…” Oyuki rise to her feet, said “I told you that when you tell someone, I would kill you immediately!! But I can’t looking at our children. Please take care of them…” and then disappeared. This work reflects the last scene.

  • #14 指定方向外進入禁止

    #14 No Trespassing Except for Allowed Way
    The spector “Ushi-Oni” is hiding in the way a man is jumping to.When you encounter this specter, you must say a spell. If not, you will be killed by serious illness.Behind the man, another specter “Ami-Kiri” is creeping. This specter is almost harmless, because it only rips a mosquito net. This work is asking you whether to make a brave try to go forward or to go back to the safe way.

  • #15 霧に注意

    #15 The sign for the place for thick fog.
    “Enra-Enra” is a Yokai of smoke, or a spirit that dwells in smoke. Wander the air, changing the appearance of his figure, comes up like a human face.Even today, you might see “Enra-Enra” at Castle Ruins with thick fog.

  • #16 通行止め

    #16 BLOCKED
    This sign prohibits pedestrians, cars, and trolleys from entering the way ahead.The specter “Hyottoko” is a symbol of welfare.Long time ago, an old man get a dirty boy whose bellybutton creates gold if it prodded with a heated metal chopstick. The greedy old man prodded the boy’s bellybutton many times to get more gold, which eventually killed the boy. After that, the ghost of the boy told the old man to put a mask which imitates the boy to get welfare.The boy’s name was “Hyotosuku”, and his mask is very popular in Japan today.I tried to describe the human’s greed, with the sign “BLOCKED” and the symbol of welfare.

  • #17 一時停止
    信号機の無い街中の小中交差点で交通整理をしているのが、「止まれ」の道路標識である。一時停止といえば幼少期にする遊び“Un, deux, trois, soleil”を思い出す。日本では“だるまさんがころんだ”と言う名前なので妖怪達磨(だるま)が描かれている。ちなみに日本には「道譲れ」の標識は無く補助標識があるだけである。

    #17 Stop
    Stop reminds me the play “Un,deux, trois, soleil”. There is Yokai “Daruma” because in Japanese it called “Darumasan ga Koronda”Incidentally, we don’t have a sign “give one the wall” in Japan.

  • #18 自転車専用

    #18 Bike Way
    As its name suggests, it is sign for bikeway.What if “Mikoshi Nyudo” came out?You can not runaway unless shouting “MikoshiNyudo Minuita!!” ( I penetrate your disguise!!”)

  • #19 動物注意

    #19 Animal Crossing
    This sign has no rules basically, there are over 30 types of animal in this sign in Japan.Just image what if Yokai rushing , and a human run out. Yokai is “O-mukade”

  • #20 落石の恐れあり

    #20 Be Careful for fallen rocks
    This sign means that “Be Careful for fallen rocks” rather than “Be Careful for falling rocks”.“TSURUBE OTOSHI” fall and threaten you and eat people sometimes.What if “Tsurubeotoshi” fall instead of rock?? What if you can summon him??

  • #21 T型道路交差点有り

    #21 T-Junction
    This sign means that there is a T-Junction ahead, but the letter “T” also evokes an image of T-back.In this work, the specter “Te-Arai-Oni” is clothed in a so awesome loincloth that the model is trying to be sexier.

  • #22 指定方向外進入禁止

    #22 No Trespassing Except for Allowed Way
    No Trespassing Except for Allowed Way The wrong ways are all occupied by the specter “Hyaku-Me”.Am I the only man who wants to go through other ways at any cost, if allowed to enter only one way?

  • #23 停止線
    停止信号により車両が停止する位置を示す線。昔は天井は死体があったり、女性が監禁されたりと一種の異界であったため、その異界から出てくるのがこの妖怪天井下がり(てんじょうさがり)とされる。この作品はあの世とこの世の境界線を表していて、妖怪天井舐め(てんじょうなめ) はあの世に誘う様が描かれている。実際あの世とこの世の境界線とはどのようなものだろうか?

    #23 Stop Line
    When you stop your car, you must stop behind this line.In the past, ceiling was a kind of alien world because sometimes there were bodies or women in bonds.The specter coming from the ceiling (the alien world) is called “Tenjo-Sagari”.This work describes the border line between life and afterlife.The specter “Tenjo-Name” is inviting a man to afterlife.Can you imagine the border line between life and afterlife?

  • #24 優先道路

    #24 Priority road
    This work comes from the idea that this sign and “Tu-tenkaku”which is the symbol of Osaka is very similar. Drow Yokai “Kage Onna”who is opposite image from priority.“Tu-tenkaku” was built with the Eiffel Tower and the Arch of Triumph as the model in 1912.